Friday, February 3, 2012

I Think I Will Buy Stock In The Power Company

My adorable, darling husband is genuinely the perfect man for me.  He has less than five faults.  I wake up in the morning, look into his sleepy time face, and say, "Thank You Lord for this man of mine."  I get my coffee, sit at my desk and start my day with the gratitude of how richly I have been blessed.  I have found true love, as I am still crazy about him after almost two decades.

When he kisses me goodbye, birds chirp and the children in the playground sing with glory at the love that emanates from our home.  I finish my Morning Pages (as directed by Julia Cameron's Artist Way,, I skip out of my office and notice that the closet light has been left lit, despite the fact that I have asked this wonderful man to turn off the closet light when he has finished, no less than 4,927 times.  I look down the hall before frolicking down to the kitchen, and find that light in the den is also blazing brightly.

For 19 years I have been asking him to simply turn off a switch when he leaves a room.  I have left funny notes, angry notes, depending on the time of month, we've had conflicts that last days.  He's an Ohio State educated man.  He's very well read.  Logic and he are best of friends.  Why, I ask, can't he turn off a light switch?!

Most of us as children were reprimanded for a similar violation with the statement, "we don't have stock in the power company."  I remember wondering if we did have stock in the power company, would it be okay to leave the lights on?  On this crisp winter day, when I find myself wanting to send an ill-tempered text message to my beloved, I decide to give up my fight and buy stock in the power company.  The dividends alone will fund our next home, the green one.

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